A body or a cageA close family friend received a crushing diagnosis for both his kids, a rare disease. They started a research team to find treatment and...
“What is saving you now?”There is a mysterious cycle in human events. To some generations much is given. Of other generations much is expected. This...
ACRM COVID-19 Pandemic Webinar Series Hosted by Pt Pal's John DzivakCOVID-19 WEBINARS: ACRM will be hosting live sessions with experts from the Tele-Medicine industry to provide clear and up-to-date...
Patient Engagement Buzz Survey: PROMs Use Is Growing, but Implementation Takes EffortImproving clinical outcomes and enhancing patient experience are closely related health care objectives. However, while clinical outcomes...
Connect with patients before they are sickWhat kills people today is chronic disease. Unless we change our health system to focus on chronic diseases, and have contact with...
Happy July 4th from Pt PalWe hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable...
'Sleep Should Be Prescribed': What Those Late Nights Out Could Be Costing YouA leading neuroscientist on why sleep deprivation is increasing our risk of cancer, heart attack, and Alzheimer’s – and what you can do...